Complete elevator systems by KLEEMANN HELLAS, the No. 1 company of Elevators & Lifting Systems in Greece.
Complete elevator systems by KLEEMANN HELLAS, the No. 1 company of Elevators & Lifting Systems in Greece.
Who we Are?
KINISIS specializes in the supply, installation, repair, renovation, modernization, licensing (registration) and technical support (maintenance) of all types of Elevators & Lifting Machines for all types of buildings and facilities.
Our company is a specialized partner of KLEEMANN HELLAS, and cooperates with the well-known elevator companies GMV, MORIS, ALBERTO SASSI and Montanari, to provide a variety of options to customers.

What type of elevator do I need?
Traction, Hydraulic, with or without lift shaft?
Contact us now to suggest the appropriate type of elevator based on your building and needs.
Power on the Move
Passenger Elevators
Professional Lifting Machines

New Installation
Complete mechanical and electrical study, supply and installation of an elevator.
Maintenance - Technical Support
Regular and proper maintenance of the elevator.
Repair - Modernization - Renovation
Repair, modernization and renovation of any type of elevator.
Each elevator must be licensed (registered) in accordance with current Greek legislation.
COVID-19 Products
The use of the elevator during the Covid-19 pandemic is an issue that has concerned many people. Although all elevators are adequately ventilated, the use of all indoor protection measures is recommended here as well, i.e.: using a face mask, keeping distances and frequent disinfection of the area. For greater safety we offer special accessories such as air disinfectant, contactless buttons etc.
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